At Maavni Designs, we have partnered with reputed courier service providers to ensure your orders are shipped to you secure and in-time. All your purchases are processed and shipped swiftly from our warehouse in Bhubaneswar, Odisha to your doorstep.
1. The delivery time will vary depending on availability of product. In case of customized or made to order products it shall take up to 30 days. However, in certain extraordinary cases beyond our control, if we determine that we will not be able to deliver an order within the promised timeframe, we will immediately contact you via email with a new timeframe for delivery
2. Orders can be shipped to only one address. To ship to multiple addresses, you will need to place a separate order for each address.
3. Our shipping partners ship products, Monday through Saturday and the shipping time does not include public holidays and Sundays. Delivery time is also depends on factors like strikes or transport delays due to bad weather by our shipping partners or caused by destination customs clearance processes, which are beyond our control.
4. As soon as your order ships, you will also be sent Shipping Tracking Information, using which you can also track your shipment. We take great care in delivering your products to you through our internationally reputed shipping partners.
5. Customs duties and taxes, assessed by the custom authorities, if any, will have to be borne by the customer according to the laws of the land and these should be paid by the customer himself at the time of delivery. We are not responsible for any delays caused by destination customs clearance processes.
6. If you fail to receive an item shipped to you on account of providing inadequate or inaccurate shipping address or your non-availability at the address provided, the transaction will be cancelled and the item will be returned to the Company and we will be entitled to recover reasonable compensation for services provided and costs incurred for shipping, handling, couriering, processing your order and any other services provided to you.
7. If product is out for delivery, or any delivery is not accepted by you, the item will be returned to the Company. Maavni Designs reserves the right to recover reasonable compensation for services provided and costs incurred for shipping, handling, couriering, processing your order and any other services provided to you.
8. If any of our products are delivered in a damaged condition, please do get in touch with us informing us about such products, along with photos of the damaged products, within 48 hours of delivery of such a product, as per the terms & conditions set in our Return policy.